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The Energy Minister, VRA, was called before Parliament today about the spill at Akosombo Dam.

The Energy Minister, VRA, was called before Parliament today about the spill at Akosombo Dam.

Today, the Volta River Authority (VRA) leadership and the minister of energy are scheduled to testify before parliament.
They are anticipated to give a thorough briefing on the recent Akosombo Dam leak and its detrimental effects on the populations residing in the Volta River basin.

Many residents in the Volta and Greater Accra Regions have been forced to relocate throughout the last few weeks as a result of the dam’s overflowing water, with their homes and other properties—including farmlands—submerged.

Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, the minister of energy, gave a speech to parliament last week and promised that his ministry would be open and accountable to the public about the state of affairs.
“The Ministry of Energy is in charge of VRA; we accept accountability. It is an emergency and a national disaster. People in the South are not the only ones affected. Although I would have asked for even more time, this house must also be aware of the situation and the government’s reaction efforts. I am not the head of the government.

“There is an interministerial advisory team, but once we’ve finished everything, we’ll take accountability and come tell you about what VRA has done and hasn’t done. And I promise that I will be here with VRA if it’s on Wednesday,” he said.




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