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IGP Dampare cannot absorb himself from police actions against protesters of Occupy Jubilee House

IGP Dampare cannot absorb himself from police actions against protesters of Occupy Jubilee House

According to security analyst Emmanuel Kutin, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, Inspector-General of Police, is unable to recover from the police’s treatment of demonstrators in Accra the previous week.
According to reports, the Police Management Board (POMAB) has questioned and summoned the Accra Regional Police Commander, COP Sayibu Gariba, to provide an explanation for the police response against the demonstrators last week.

On September 25, 2023, in response to the POMAB’s action, Mr. Kutin stated that it would be unfair to merely punish the Accra Regional Police Commander for the excessive use of force by the police during the protest.

For Mr Kutin, if the police had been praised for their actions, there was no way only the Accra Regional Police Commander would have been singled out to receive the praise.

He said, “It is not appropriate to single out the regional commander to query him.”

Mr. Kutin said IGP Dampare “cannot disassociate himself from the actions of the police” and that “there is the need to reform the police service.”

The demonstrators requested to be permitted to occupy the Jubilee House, the seat of government, for three days in order to call for an end to corruption within the government.
According to Mr. Kutin, the Accra Regional Police Commander would not have been the only person singled out for recognition if the police had been applauded for their activities.

It is not acceptable to question the regional commander specifically, he said.


IGP Dampare, according to Mr. Kutin, “cannot disassociate himself from the actions of the police” and “there is a need to reform the police service.”

On September 21, the police used excessive force against the demonstrators who were rallying against the government’s economic policies and alleged corruption. Nearly 50 demonstrators were detained, including journalists.

Many people accused the police of using disproportionate force against defenceless individuals after the incident, which caused some controversy.


The Police Service issued an apology for the disruption caused by the three-day protests in response to the public criticism.


A group named Democracy Hub was in charge of organising the protest. The protest was organised to put pressure on the administration to address the nation’s economic issues and look into corruption charges.


From Thursday, September 21, 2023, to Saturday, September 23, it took place. Protesters attempted to march from the 37 Lorry Station to the Jubilee House, the seat of administration.



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