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ECOWAS Suspends Mali, Calls For A New Civilian Prime Minister To Be Nominated Immediately

ECOWAS Suspends Mali, Calls For A New Civilian Prime Minister To Be Nominated Immediately

The Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS) has suspended Mali from the regional group and has called for an immediate nomination of a new Prime Minister as part of an inclusive government to proceed with the September 2020 transition programme.

In a statement issued in Accra on Sunday, May 30, 2021, the Heads of State of ECOWAS reaffirmed the need to respect the transition period of 18 months as agreed by all parties last year.

On May 24, 2021, Mali’s President and Prime Minister were ousted in a coup plot by Colonel Assimi, Vice President of the interim government formed as part of a transition programme to usher Mali back to civilian rule. Their arrest came hours after a government reshuffle that saw two senior Army officers replaced.

However, the statement which was released after an Extraordinary Summit in Accra said “the Heads of State demand the immediate release of the former President and Prime Minister of the Transition who are kept under house arrest.

“The Heads of State strongly condemn this recent Coup d’Etat, which is a violation of the decisions taken at the extraordinary Summit held at the Peduase Lodge, Aburi, Ghana on 15th September 2020 and a violation of the Transition Charter,” the statement added.

Further, the statement reiterated the importance and necessity of respecting the democratic process for ascending to power in member states, in conformity with the 2001 ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance. They particularly condemn all actions that led to ongoing instability in Mali, and its attendant consequences in the region.

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