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Alan Kyerematen drops out of the NPP bid for president.

Alan Kyerematen drops out of the NPP bid for president.

Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) flagbearer candidate, has dropped out of the contest.

In a statement dated September 5, 2023, he made this announcement and listed a variety of events that, in his opinion, led to the party’s Super Delegates Conference.

Early on, he cancelled a press conference when he was supposed to address the country about his political aspirations.

The complete statement made by Alan is below.

Press release from the Honourable Alan Kyeremeten

I delivered a public statement on Sunday, August 27, 2023, referring to the selection and shortlisting of presidential candidates by the Special Electoral College called by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) on August 26, 2023.

After carefully examining the election results, it is abundantly evident to me from the circumstances leading up to, during, and following the vote that the Special Delegates Conference was purposefully and tactically tilted in favour of a certain Aspirant.

My observations are supported by statements made by certain prominent Party members, both before and after the elections.

In the course of our Party’s history, nothing has ever come close to the amount of intimidation of variable intensity that has been inflicted on such a large number of Delegates both directly and indirectly at different Voting Centres throughout the sixteen regions. In addition, the fact that my polling agent in the North East region suffered severe eye damage as a result of his brave and daring attempt to ensure adherence to the election’s rules and regulations as approved by the Presidential Elections Committee will always be remembered as a dark chapter in the Party’s history of internal elections. This episode and many violent and conspiratorial acts that have been reported in other voting centres are revolting, nasty, and terrible.

I will constantly fight for the interests of people who work with me and for me because I care about their safety and appreciate it.

I keep asking myself, “How did we as a Party get here in the first place, and how far are we prepared to tread on this dangerous path to self-destruction?”

Unfortunately, I am not confident that the situations I mentioned previously will not continue or perhaps worsen in the upcoming election, which is slated to take place on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

In view of the aforementioned, I would like to officially state that I am withdrawing from the presidential primary election that will take place on November 4, 2023. After consulting with my family, other well-wishers, various stakeholders, and interest groups, I will give an indication of the role I will play in politics in Ghana in the future weeks.

I send my best wishes to all the other Aspirants as they proceed on their path. I would also like to use this occasion to once again express my sincere thanks to my family, the Alan 4 President (A4P) Campaign Team, and all of the countless Ghanaians and internationals who have supported me over the years in a variety of ways. Please know that the Lord is still in control of the conflict and that those who wait on the Lord will experience renewed strength.

God bless Ghana and make it a great and powerful country!

… Signed…



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