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Acting IGP to Policemen – Be professional, accepting gifts won’t change your lives

Acting IGP to Policemen – Be professional, accepting gifts won’t change your lives

Acting IGP, George Akuffo Dampare has urged his men to remain professional. He also advised them to reject gifts and favors from people.

He explained that such things only tend to have a negative effect on the image of the men in uniform, in the minds of the people.

Dr. Dampare has since assuming office, visited various Police posts to motivate his men and get a first hand information on the state of affairs.

On Thursday evening, between the hours of 10pm and 2am, the IGP toured various posts starting from the police emergency call center, touching base with patrol teams, those manning check points and those at some stations.

At the Adenta Police station, the Acting IGP had serious concerns about how his men interacted with civilians.

He stated that as servants, they must always remain cordial in their interaction with the people.

“Show respect and courtesy, use golden words. “please, thank you”, words that bring calmness and attract attention”, if we start getting these fundamentals right, the public will respect us, the trust in us will deepen, and then when you walk in uniform out there, doors are opened for you without you touching them.”

He also had concerns about acceptance of gifts and favors

“Let’s shame anybody who thinks that the Police officer cannot stop taking favors that are 100 Ghana, let’s shame them, even if someone wants to give you a gift , tell the person that it is enough, because that gift cannot transform your life. What can transform your life is the blessings of God,” Dr. Dampare said.

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