IMF to Akufo-Addo: “Your policies have laid the groundwork for Ghana’s future.”

Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has praised the government of former President Akufo-Addo for creating a strong basis for Ghana’s economic future.
In a January 8, 2025, letter to the former president, she made this statement.
Mr. Georgieva praised Mr. Akufo-Addo’s leadership, especially his ability to guide Ghana through difficult circumstances.
The head of the IMF underlined the important progress made while he was there.
“Your administration’s reforms and programs have created the foundation for
The letter also emphasised the former president’s support for Sub-Saharan Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the IMF chief.
Georgieva claims that former President Akufo-Addo’s actions demonstrated his dedication to Ghana and the African continent at large and were crucial in bringing in much-needed resources to deal with the crisis.
Pointing to the recent conclusion of the third assessment of the IMF-supported program, Mad. Georgieva conveyed gratitude for the cooperation between the Akufo-Addo administration and the IMF.
She attributed this milestone to the administration’s commitment to enacting important reforms and said it reflected Ghana’s progress towards re-establishing macroeconomic stability.
“These accomplishments demonstrate your commitment to significant reforms, providing a hopeful outlook for the future,” she wrote.
During Mr. Akufo-Addo’s administration, Ghana and the IMF worked together to stabilise the economy, strengthen budgetary restraint, and encourage sustainable growth.
Despite their occasional difficulties, these policies have given the country a bright future.
Georgieva summed off by wishing Akufo-Addo well in his future undertakings, demonstrating the respect that his contributions are given on a global scale.
Now that the groundwork has been established during his administration, attention will turn to how the next generation of leaders can expand on these changes to guarantee Ghana’s continued progress and prosperity.