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Anti-gay bill: Theology of compassion preached by Christ not being exhibited by the church – Prof. Prempeh

Anti-gay bill: Theology of compassion preached by Christ not being exhibited by the church – Prof. Prempeh

The Executive Director of the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), Professor Henry K. Prempeh has said the church supporting the anti-gay bill is not exhibiting the compassion in the theology of Jesus Christ in the bible.

This comes after some churches in the country expressed support for the Bill against LGBTQI+ that seeks to criminalise gayism and lesbianism as well as its activities in the country.

According to Professor Henry K. Prempeh, the arguments by the church in backing the Bill is unfair and does not look at the grace the bible talks about.

The CDD-Ghana director explains, “I seriously struggle to see the theology of compassion, the theology of redemption, and the theology of grace that actually Jesus Christ for the Christian preached and taught in the position of the Ghanaian church on this matter.

“They single out the biblical disapproval of the behavior of the Sodom and Gomorrah as the prime example of this but, let us not forget that in the Leviticus and Deuteronomy adultery was forthrightly condemned and just in very plain language but also the punishments that were prescribed in those texts was the stoning to death for both the adulterer and the adulterous and yet in the New Testament, Jesus Christ exemplifies the theology of compassion, grace, and redemption by demonstrating what you do with such people and told the people that he who is without sin should cast the first stone.”

Prof. Prempeh adds, “That is the theology I expected the church to come to this question with but when the church makes a common course with political interest and to marshal the force of the state to condemn these people as criminals and to put in jail and subject them to all manner of inhumane treatments persons who otherwise have not caused anyone any harm, I fail to see the theology of Christ in that kind of conduct.”

The Executive Director of CDD-Ghana shared this thoughts while speaking on Citi TV’s weekend current affairs programme, ‘The Big Issue on Saturday’, October 9, 2021.

He is one of the 15 renowned legal, academic, and civil society professionals who have filled a memorandum challenging the anti-LGBTQI bill.

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