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Let’s put in quick measures at KIA; a delay likely to cause third Covid-19 wave – Virologist

Let’s put in quick measures at KIA; a delay likely to cause third Covid-19 wave – Virologist

A virologist with the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research is urging health authorities to quickly put in place measures to help reduce the increasing number of Covid-19 cases recorded at the Kotoka International Airport.

Speaking on Newsnight, Dr Michael Owusu said that the virus, especially new variants, takes time to build momentum before gradually catching up with hospitals and other health facilities. Thus, a delay in putting measures in place to ensure that there is a reduction in positive cases at the airport can result in a third wave.

“I have followed the discussion on the numbers and the statement issued from the airport. I understand that this is based on trend analysis of what they’ve had over couple of weeks ago. From the information they are putting out, it seems to show that there seems to be some increase, in cases that are arriving into the country.”

“I think it is very important for us to put in measures and to see how best we can reduce, prevent or maybe avoid possible surges in cases. We need to be proactive in order to put in measures so that we don’t have any cases coming to the country.”

Citing an example, Dr Owusu said that last year November/December, the country had relatively low cases prior to the Christmas holidays. However, Ghana began recording an increase in the number of cases arriving into the country during the christmas season.

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