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Akufo-Addo told Attorney General not to prosecute MPs fingered in ‘double salary’ investigations – Amidu alleges

Akufo-Addo told Attorney General not to prosecute MPs fingered in ‘double salary’ investigations – Amidu alleges

Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has alleged that President Akufo-Addo instructed the then-Attorney General, Gloria Akufo, not to file charges against Parliamentarians found to have received double salaries.

In his latest epistle, the former Attorney General alleged that Madam Akuffo and Director of Public Prosecution, Yvonne Attakora Obuobisa, after perusing the police docket came to the conclusion that some of the suspects should be charged.



On 17th May 2021, a friend called my attention to the fact that he had heard a radio discussion  on Oman FM in which I was being blamed for the Government’s inability to prosecute the  Members of Parliaments’ double salary case which the Office of the Attorney General had  allegedly transferred to my office for prosecution, and I had failed or refused to prosecute  same before my resignation. This was certainly a deliberate and knowing concoction of fake  news from the newly minted Office of the Attorney General to assassinate my integrity and  character.  

My researches led me to the Daily Guide Network report in its publication of 10th May 2021 under the heading: “MPs Double Salary Bounces Back” in which it attributed the inability of  the Attorney-General’s Office to prosecute the suspects in the case that has come to be  known as the Members of Parliament Double Salary Scandal to the infantile and banal fact  that: “the Office of the Special Prosecutor which was headed by former Attorney General  Martin A.B.K. Amidu, took over the case to do the prosecution but the process was not  completed until he resigned late last year.” 

Attorney General’s Politically Inspired Propaganda To Tarnish Amidu’s Integrity On  MPs Double Salary 

The politically inspired propaganda against my integrity which sought to link my resignation  to the failure or refusal of this irredeemably corrupt Government for four whole years to deal  with the simple offence of double salary or stealing (as the Criminal Investigations  Department of the Police Service put it), are false, infantile and barefaced lies intentionally  concocted and put out by the Office of the Attorney-General to the unsuspecting public under  the sub-heading “Godfred Yeboah-Dame.” The effigy of the Attorney-General published  alongside the concocted falsehoods of me resigning without prosecuting a case which was  never handled by my office during my tenure as the Special Prosecutor demonstrates how  shamefully low the hitherto respected ethical Office of the Attorney-General which I had the  privilege of serving in for over fourteen years of my career has descended into since 7th January 2021.  

Throughout my tenure as the Special Prosecutor, the respected former Attorney General, Ms.  Gloria Akuffo, never referred this case to me for further investigation or prosecution. Any  experienced and ethical person who has ever occupied the office of Deputy Minister of  Justice under the Constitution knows that the Attorney General never sends a docket to  another independent investigatory or prosecutorial agency without a covering letter  forwarding the docket with requisite instructions or requests.  

Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame, the young and inexperienced Attorney General should know  now that he is the Attorney General that there are no records in his office or the Director of  Public Prosecution’s office showing that the Attorney-General, Ms. Gloria Akuffo, old  enough to be Mr. Dame’s mother, sent any docket on this case to me as Special Prosecutor to  prosecute. No such letter was ever received by me when I was the Special Prosecutor, and no  records exists in the Office of the Special Prosecutor of receipt of such a letter or docket from  Ms. Gloria Akuffo. 

Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame under whose name the Daily Guide Network reports and  attributes the infantile lies that: “the Office of the Special Prosecutor which was headed by  former Attorney General Martin A.B.K. Amidu, took over the case to do the prosecution but  the process was not completed until he resigned late last year” ought to have developed the  capability of asking the Director of Public Prosecutions as to the status of the case instead of  linking to my resignation to a matter which never came under my watch just to assassinate  my character.  

President Akufo-Addo Determines Criminal Prosecutions – Not The Attorney General  

The credible information I received on the case is and was that the then Attorney General and  the Director of Public Prosecutions had both perused the case docket and had come to the  conclusion that charges be filed against some of the suspects for prosecution. The Attorney  General was instructed not to do so by the President who unconstitutionally usurped the  investigatory and prosecutorial constitutional authority of the Attorney General on grounds of  political expediency of having the suspects agreeable to play ball in Parliament for the  Government.  

This view is consistent with the clear unconstitutional usurpation of the independent exercise  of prosecutorial discretion of the Attorney General by President Nana Akufo Addo in his  response to a question asked by Kweku Dawuro of Kingdom FM on the government’s fight  against corruption on 13th December 2019, particularly the prosecution of the double salaries  and other criminal cases. The President unconstitutionally assumed the status of the Attorney  General of Ghana and shockingly said, inter alia, on the members of parliament double salary  cases as follows: 

“…The double salary and members of parliament: it is not a straightforward allegation of  misappropriation that some people think. There is a whole lot of double counting, to what  extent people were taking money vis- a-vis the emolument of the article 70 and all that, and I  am thinking that unless the thing is really clear cut and it has not been made quite clear to me,  to rein a whole lot of parliamentarians and the list is quite a lot, to rein a whole lot of  parliamentarians on a fifty -fifty case, for myself I don’t think that we will be doing the public  interest of our country any service in that way. So the process of seeing to what extent the set  off can be, there is been ongoing, there is a group doing that work and when they finish we be  in a position to let the country know what the final outcome of the double salary thing is….”  

The framers of the 1992 Constitution followed the hallowed tradition of Anglo-Ghanaian  jurisprudence by enshrining the prosecutorial powers of the Republic of Ghana in an Attorney-General who is professionally responsible for prosecutorial decisions made on a  non-partisan basis and not the President. I served as Deputy Attorney General and Attorney  General for almost fourteen years and can testify to the fact that no Head of State or President  ever sought to direct or interfere with the prosecutorial discretion of the Attorney General during that period. The President’s response at the media encounter of 13th December 2019 is  the first time I ever heard, in my life, a President unashamedly and publicly usurping an  independent prosecutorial constitutional discretion of an Attorney General. The allusion by  the President to a group performing the constitutional duties of the Attorney General to  enable the President to decide, and “be in a position to let the country know what the final  outcome of the double salary thing is…” shows beyond every reasonable doubt the  interfering role of this President in the administration of criminal justice in deciding who  must or must not be prosecuted for crime and not the Attorney General. The Attorney  General regrettably became a poodle of the President by ceding his or her constitutional  prosecutorial mandate to the usurping President.

The Double Salary & Other Criminal Cases Were Negotiated for Ministerial Approvals  

The political propaganda reportage from the Office of the Attorney General alongside the  effigy of the Attorney General contained in the Daily Guide Network of 10th May 2021 also  attributed the following words to the Office of the Attorney-General: 

“The AG’s Department is said to have recently resumed working on the establishment of a  prima facie case against the ex-appointees and then swing into action.” 

I say with all the knowledge and information at my disposal on this matter that the statement  is merely intended to divert the minds of suffering patriotic Ghanaians, particularly the youth  championing the #FixTheCountry from the abysmal failure of the Government in bringing  the country to its present sordid state of suffering while its operatives enrich themselves  through illegal gold mining called Galamsey. It is not accidental that the Daily Guide  Network of 10th May 2021 also carried a news report in which the Minister of Finance was  desperately trying to convince Ghanaians that the woes of the country were inherited even in  the second term of a Government that promised bread and butter for every Ghanaian when  elected into power. 

The statement attributed to the Office of the Attorney General about recently resuming  “working on establishing a prima facie case against the ex-appointees and then swing into  action” cannot also be reflecting any factual truth because of negotiations led by one of the  former Ministers of Finance of the NDC on behalf of this Government which resulted in the  NDC party outside Parliament instructing the NDC in Parliament to approve all the  Ministerial nominees of the Government including the Minister who was yet to supply further  and better particulars to the appointments committee for consideration before his approval or  disapproval by the Committee and by Parliament.  

This compromising agreement led to some NDC contractors being paid for the first time for  work done prior to 7th January 2017 before the ministerial approvals were made as a show of  good faith to the NDC. My informants and agents within the executive and parliamentary  NDC are certain that the MPs Double Salary cases and other pending criminal cases  involving some NDC Members of Parliament formed part of the negotiation and  compromises that paved the way for the resolution of the ministerial approval impasse with  the NDC in Parliament. It is an open secret, for those who care to find out that the second  batch of NDC contractors have submitted their request to the appropriate quarters, through a  representative of the NDC in Parliament, who is to facilitate payments as part of the agreed  compromise.  

In concocting falsehoods intended to tarnish my reputation the Office of the Attorney General  disgracefully and unethically tied up my former position of Attorney-General with my later  appointment as the Special Prosecutor to which President Nana Akufo-Addo invited me to  his office on 10th January 2018, pleaded with me and persuaded me to accept to be nominated  under the mutually agreed understanding of my guaranteed independence to assist him fight  the canker of corruption. The Office of the Attorney General also deliberately and  disingenuously further linked my service under the Presidency of the late Dr. J. E. A Mills to  the Government of John Dramani Mahama of which I was not a member when the Daily  Guide Network reports that:  

“…. it had emerged that the case involving former ministers and appointees in the  erstwhile John Dramani Mahama-led National Democratic Congress (NDC)  

government who were caught in the alleged double salary scandal, has not been  dropped. It states that its sources say a docket is being worked on once again 

following concerns that the privileged in society, particularly politicians, are  

committing offences with impunity. 

The police Criminal Investigation Department (CID) prepared the initial docket and  forwarded to the Attorney General’s Department for advice. However, the office of  the Special Prosecutor which was headed by former Attorney General Martin A.B.K.  Amidu, took over the case to do the prosecution but the process was not completed  until he resigned late last year.” 

I am proud to have served the Government of the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) beginning February 1982 to 6th January 1993 and in the Constitutional Governments  of the NDC1, NDC2 and NDC3 until I fell out with that Government over the  Waterville/Woyome, and the Isofoton scandals.  

Martin Amidu ‘s Appointment As SP And President Akufo-Addo’s testimony On His  Competence And Integrity 

In producing its concocted story to be told by the Daily Guide Network, the present Office of  the Attorney General took no account of the notorious fact that it was because of my  distinguished services and incorruptibility under the PNDC/NDC Governments terminating  in January 2012 that led President Nana Akufo-Addo to seek me out and persuaded me to  accept nomination from his Government’s as its first Special Prosecutor to the Office of the  Special Prosecutor. The then Attorney-General, Ms. Gloria Akufo, purported to have  nominated me as Special Prosecutor for the Office of the Special Prosecutor on 11th January  2021 without ever having met or spoken with me until at the forum for my fanfare  introduction to Ghanaians on the same day.  

The President was unequivocal in his introductory statement about me on 11th January 2018  when he stated that: 

“Mr. Amidu has the requisite integrity and independence of character to occupy such  challenging office.”. The President added that: “I have done so because I am fully convinced  that Mr. Martin Amidu, a prominent legal personality who held the high office of the  Attorney General of the Republic in the government of the late President John Evan Attah  Mills has the requisite integrity, competence, courage and independence of character to  discharge effectively the responsibilities of this office.” (Emphasis supplied) 

The President, Nana Akufo-Addo, in whom I had placed my sincerest confidence as the  person to keep his promise to support me to fight pervasive canker of corruption in the body  politic had the following words to say at my swearing-in ceremony on 23rd February 2018 at  the Jubilee House amidst fanfare:  

“The overwhelming, popular acceptance by the good people of Ghana, and the strong  consensus approval by Parliament, of Mr. Amidu’s nomination justifies the  confidence I repose in him. Indeed, his eloquence and grasp of issues, displayed to the  public during his recent vetting, is further testimony of the soundness of his  appointment. I want to assure him that not only will the Executive, including the  Attorney General, respect scrupulously the independence of his Office, but will also 

provide him whatever assistance is required to enable him discharge his high duties  effectively, in the interest of the Ghanaian people….” (Emphasis supplied)   

The President then bore personal testimony to the tenacity with which he has known me over  the years to hold to my views when he stated that: 

“I have known Martin Amidu for several years. Indeed, I was his opposing counsel in many  of the landmark constitutional cases in the early years of the 4th Republic in the 1990s and can  personally testify to the tenacity with which he holds on to his views. That tenacity has now  to be exercised in favour of the Ghanaian people in his new office.” 

The Then Darling DCOP Mrs. Mamme Tiwaa Addo-Danquah (Now COP) of CID  Handled This Investigations 

The Members of Parliament double salary case broke out when I had not been considered for  approval as the Special Prosecutor and the case was immediately entrusted to the care of the  then darling Deputy Commissioner of Police Criminal Investigations Department of the  Police Head Office, Mrs. Maame Tiwaa Addo-Danquah. As the Daily Guide Network  reported, the CID in April 2018 said the double salaries saga “is contrary to Section 124 (1)  of the Criminal and other Offences Act 1960 (Act 29) as amended in 2012 (Act 849). Section  124 relates to the offence of stealing.” 

The first time I spoke on the subject of the then on-going CID investigations into the double  salary alleged stealing case was on 19th April 2018 when I granted an interview to Citi News’ Umaru Sanda Amadu in which I said that the Criminal Investigations Department (CID),  should be allowed to investigate the matter and not sweep it under the carpet. 

I also said that: 

“… Why should a Special Prosecutor be prosecuting ordinary Ghanaians and your  honourables will be involved in these things; then they will be talking to the president  to wash it up. Then I have no need sitting here. I won’t even have the conscience to  continue. Will I have the conscience to prosecute any other body for corruption if the  CID finds something prosecutable and are not allowed to prosecute because Members  of Parliament are involved? That is not fair,” 

Indeed, the Daily Guide Network which the Office of the Attorney General is using for its  shameful unconstitutional campaign to tarnish my reputation had reported my interview with  Umaru Amadu Sanda on 21st April 2018. 

Propaganda By the Office Of the Attorney-General and The Media Subverts The  Constitution 

When the Office of the Attorney General descends into the gutter of political propaganda  contrary to its mandate under Article 88 of the Constitution using a media that knowingly  abdicates its journalistic ethics on a matter it has previously reported upon, constitutionalism  and the rule of law are seriously subverted as no rights under the Constitution can survive.  This is the gravest danger this country faces today under the Gestapo Government of  President Nana Akufo-Addo, as Mr. Charles Wereko-Brobby put it mildly. There is a present 

danger to the liberty of the citizen under the 1992 Constitution when the Office of the  Attorney General assumes the role of the President’s poodle. 

“Akufo-Addo ‘blackmailing’ NDC double salary MPs to do his bidding – Joy” 

In researching this rejoinder article I came across a news report by on Ghana  Web dated 31st March 2021 with the heading: “Akufo-Addo ‘blackmailing ‘ NDC double  salary MPs to do his bidding – Joy” which underpins the diversionary political propaganda  being undertaken by the Office of the Attorney General and the Daily Guide Network. Mr.  Jacob Osei Yeboah is reported to have asked a rhetorical question about what is happening in  Parliament and answered as follows: 

“What’s Happening in the 8th Hung Parliament? Nana Addo is holding the balls of key  double salary NDC’s MPs in the 8th Hung Parliament. You all know that when a man’s balls  are being squeezed, his mind and actions are incoherently bizarre. So NDC rank and file be  calm and understand Gen. Mosquito and Elders. .. NDC is now on Political Dialysis in the 8th  Hung Parliament whilst Nana Addo keeps on squeezing the balls of all double salary NDC’s  MPs and corrupt high ranking members intermittently. Can NDC survive till 2024?…”  


My resignation as the first Special Prosecutor was the result of the endemic attitude of  President, Nana Akufo Addo’s penchant to usurp the constitutional authority of investigators  and prosecutors in criminal justice administration as he tried to do in the Agyapa Royalties  Transaction Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment Report implicating him. My old school ethics  and integrity as a lawyer of more than four decades standing guided me to resist the  President’s unconstitutional interference and resigned my office instead of being his poodle.  It had nothing to do with the Members of Parliament double salaries which I never saw nor  handled during my tenure. The President’s responses to the media on 13th December 2018 is  evidence, if evidence be needed, that this President determines who may be prosecuted for  crime and not the Attorney General or Special Prosecutor as his pronouncements on the  Members of Parliament double salaries amply demonstrates. God save Ghana from  Corruption under this regime. Ghana First! 

Martin A. B. K. Amidu 

25th May 2021 

“The credible information I received on the case is and was that the then-Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecutions had both perused the case docket and had come to the conclusion that charges be filed against some of the suspects for prosecution.

“The Attorney General was instructed not to do so by the President who unconstitutionally usurped the investigatory and prosecutorial constitutional authority of the Attorney General on the grounds of political expediency of having the suspects agreeable to play ball in Parliament for government.”

Double Salary saga

It emerged in 2018 that some MPs who served as ministers in the Mahama administration allegedly received double salaries.

An audit report of the payroll data revealed some legislators, including Ellembelle MP, Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, and former Kpone Katamanso MP, Nii Laryea Afotey Agbo, benefitted from double salary.

The former Tamale Central MP, Inusah Fuseini; Ada MP, Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah and former Brong Ahafo Regional Minister Eric Opoku were among the three accused to appear before the police. 

The police said the alleged action by the MPs “is contrary to Section 124 (1) of the Criminal and other Offences Act 1960 (Act 29), as amended in 2012, Act 849.  Section 124 relates to the offence of stealing”.

Media reports showed that many ministers who served under former President John Mahama took double salaries for four years, while others received double salaries for two and three years, probably because they were reshuffled.

In 2012, four of the ministers took double salaries and are currently not serving in Parliament, but by 2013 the double -salaried appointees had increased to 22, while in 2014 about 18 were said to be involved

In 2015 and 2016, 15 and 12 appointees took double salaries, respectively.

From 2012 to 2016 when the NDC was in office, some of the appointees were captured in all the data collated as having received double salaries.

Media reports showed that many ministers who served under former President John Mahama took double salaries for four years, while others received double salaries for two and three years, probably because they were reshuffled.

In 2012, four of the ministers took double salaries and are currently not serving in Parliament, but by 2013 the double -salaried appointees had increased to 22, while in 2014 about 18 were said to be involved

In 2015 and 2016, 15 and 12 appointees took double salaries, respectively.

From 2012 to 2016 when the NDC was in office, some of the appointees were captured in all the data collated as having received double salaries.

he list showed that the appointees received double salaries at least once a month, while others received them monthly throughout the years.

Initially, 25 NDC MPs were said to have been invited by the CID, but the then-Minority in Parliament held a press conference last Tuesday, April 10, 2018, to debunk the allegation.

Lame duck Amidu

Mr. Amidu claims there has been a reportage in some sections of the media alleging it was his failure to deal with the matter that has resulted in non-prosecution of the MPs.

About The Author